
Angel Oracle Reading is a spiritual practice that involves connecting with angelic beings to receive guidance, support, and messages through the use of oracle cards. These cards are infused with positive energy and are believed to provide insights and wisdom from the angelic realm. During an Angel Oracle Reading, the reader typically focuses on a specific question or area of concern and then selects cards from the deck based on intuition. Each card drawn may offer symbols, images, or messages that are meant to resonate with the reader on a deep level. The process of interpreting these cards can help individuals gain clarity, inspiration, and a sense of peace as they navigate life's challenges and decisions. Angel Oracle Reading is a powerful tool for spiritual growth, self-reflection, and connecting with the divine guidance that surrounds us.

Tarot Readings


Tarot Readings


Tarot readings have been a fascinating and mysterious practice for centuries, offering insight and guidance to those seeking answers to life's questions. The tarot deck consists of 78 cards, each with its own unique symbolism and meaning. During a reading, a skilled tarot reader will shuffle the cards and lay them out in a spread, interpreting their positions and relationships to each other. The cards can reveal hidden truths, illuminate patterns in one's life, and provide clarity on complex situations. While some may view tarot readings as mere entertainment, others find deep spiritual and psychological significance in the messages they receive. Whether seeking advice on love, career, or personal growth, a tarot reading can offer a fresh perspective and empower individuals to make informed decisions about their path ahead.

Distance Reiki is a fascinating practice that allows Reiki energy to be sent across time and space, enabling healing to occur remotely. Despite the distance, the principles of Reiki remain the same, focusing on the transfer of energy to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Practitioners of Distance Reiki often use visualization techniques to establish a connection with the recipient and channel healing energy to them. This form of Reiki is particularly beneficial for those who are unable to receive in-person treatments due to physical limitations, geographical distances, or time constraints. The effectiveness of Distance Reiki has been reported by many recipients who have felt a sense of relaxation, relief from pain, or emotional release following a session. This alternative healing modality showcases the interconnectedness of energy and highlights the power of intention and belief in facilitating healing from afar.

Psychic Tarot Coaching is a unique and powerful approach to self-discovery, personal growth, and problem-solving. By combining the intuitive insights of a psychic with the guidance of Tarot cards, individuals can gain clarity and direction in their lives. The psychic aspect allows for deeper insights into underlying issues and emotions, while the Tarot cards provide a visual and symbolic representation of the individual's circumstances. This combination creates a dynamic and holistic approach to coaching that can uncover hidden truths, reveal potential obstacles, and offer solutions to challenges. Whether seeking guidance on relationships, career decisions, or personal development, Psychic Tarot Coaching can provide valuable insights and support on your journey towards self-improvement and fulfillment.

EFT tapping


EFT tapping


Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) tapping is a powerful mind-body technique that involves tapping on specific meridian points on the body while focusing on a particular issue or problem. This technique is based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine and aims to balance the body's energy system to relieve emotional and physical distress. By tapping on acupressure points, EFT helps to release negative emotions, reduce stress, and alleviate physical symptoms. It is a simple yet effective self-help tool that can be used to address a wide range of issues, including anxiety, phobias, trauma, and chronic pain. Many people have experienced profound and lasting benefits from incorporating EFT tapping into their daily routine, making it a valuable tool for emotional healing and personal growth.





Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) coaching is a powerful tool that focuses on the connection between neurological processes, language, and behavioral patterns learned through experience. NLP coaching aims to help individuals understand and change their thought patterns and behaviors to achieve personal and professional goals. Through techniques such as reframing, modeling excellence, and setting well-formed outcomes, NLP coaches guide clients in identifying and overcoming limiting beliefs and behaviors. By exploring the language we use internally and externally, NLP coaching helps individuals reprogram their mindset for success and personal growth. NLP coaching is a transformative process that empowers individuals to unlock their full potential and create positive change in their lives.